tisdag 19 november 2013



25. Translate

1. Hon lutade sig mot skåpet.
She leaned on the locket.

2. Vilken katastrof!
What a disaster!

3. Hon var inte förvånad, men hon var besviken.
She was not surprised, but she was disappointed.

4. Hon stod framför spegeln med stängda ögon.
She stood in front of the mirror with her eyes shut.

5. De tvättade och stök överkastet och gardinerna.
They washed and ironed the bedspread and curtains.

6. I två timmar letade de i garderoberna, i lådorna och under sängen.
In two hours they were looking in the closets, in drawers and under the bed.


A) read the text about Jamie Oliver, the TV chef. Look up words in a dictionary.

B) What words are missing in these sentences?

1. Jamie Oliver was voted the most important person in Britain in 2005.
2. Jamie Oliver is also called "the naked chef".
3. He became popular after a TV campaign to improve school meals.
4. School children in Britain were served a lot of junk food with too much fat in it and not enough vitamins.
5. Jamie also showed that school could do a lot with a small budget if they worked hard and carefully with the money they had.

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