söndag 26 maj 2013

Vad händer när när nord och syd mötes ihop ? och hur mötes dem ihop ? 
Vilken färg har syd polen?
Vem var det som upptäckte magneten? 


Syfte: Lära oss använda mikroskop och se hur celler ser ut. 

Uppgift: ’’Plocka’’ ut kindceller och undersöka de med hjälp av ett mikroskop.


Material: Metylenblått, täckglas, mikroskop, tändsticka, objektglas.

  1. Vi ’‘plockade’’ ut kindceller som vi sedan lade på ett objektglas.
  2. Sedan spände vi fast objekglaset på mikroskopet och la över ett litet täckglas.
  3. Sen zomade vi ut och in och undersökte cellen.
  4. Sen tog vi lite foton.

Resultatet: Vi fick se cellerna även om de var svårt att använda mikroskopen.

Slutsats: Djurceller och växtceller har båda har cellmembran o cellkärna. Men växtcellen har en cellvägg och ett klorofyll vilket djurcellen inte har. Växtcellens celler är organiserade och står på ett väldigt tätt sätt medan djurcellen bara är hummer om buller. 

Felkällor: Svårt att hitta cellerna och att hantera mikroskopet.

Gjorde uppgiften med Ibtisam. Det gick inte att ha bilder för att det var något fel med bloggen! 



1.Tense - spänd
2.Shakes - skakar
3.Grins - skrattar mycket
4.Lizard - ödla
5.Putting - sätta 
6.Manage - hantera
7.Plenty - gott
8.Food - mat
9.Friends - vänner
10.Smiles - le
11.Goes - gick
12.Bottles - flaskor
13.Replace - ersätt
14.Mirror - spegel
15.Tinfiol - stanniol
16.Allotment - tilldelning
17.Arrested - Frihetsberövad
18.Autumn - hösten
19.Rubbish - skräp
10.Liquid - vätska  

I like my friends, they are relly nice to me.
I smiles when some thing is funny.
In the summer we need blottles water becouse it´s to hot.
The boys in my old shcool grins at everything.
Girls like mirror becouse the like to look at they self.
It´s not so cold in autumn.
When im inte the school i´m putting my books in my desk.
Lilly goes to school and never come back.
Lilly shakes his little sister becouse she did some thing wrong.
I dont like lizard becouse I'm scared off them.

When i was reading the first chapter in Burnout it makes me remember when my sister was born, she gets every thing she wants and my mum and dad loved her i was scared that they had forgotten me. But after some days my mum said : why are you so sad ? i said : it´s because you and my dad have forgotten me and my sister gets every thins she wants... ! my mum hugged me and said : it´s because she is little and she don't understand. 

Josh Linfoot he feel the same way as me, he thinks that his sister gets every things she wants or need and nothing for him but i think that he have wrong, because his dad and mum rely like him. (it´s in burnout book! )

The game :



The book that I read called Burnout. It's about a bunch that are tough and they do what they want. The book is about a 
guy named Josh and he is sick of their hubs sister she gets everything she wants and Josh gets nothing, her name is Beth. Josh thinks his mom and dad just like her from when she was born. Josh starded with a bunch greater one when he joined the cooles gang in the school he felt cool and kind that he can do what he wants, so he and the gang starded to burn things and one of that was a car .  Josh dreamed that there was an baby in the car that he started a fire on. Josh likes his family and he do his best to do them happy. Josh is not popular or bullied so I think he may not have as many friends in school.


  1. Who is brainy ?   Brainy is Josh sister.
2. Was Braniy happy when she told Josh about Zoo-keeper ?  In the beginning was she happy but when she told josh then she start to blushing.

3. Why was Josh so scared when his dad looked at the front page photo at the local paper ?
because it was his photo on the page.

4. How do you think about the gang. And if you were in josh place what would you do ?
i think its not good to be with josh gang and if i was in josh place I should leave the gang. 

5. Why don't Josh like his sister ?
becouse she gets everything she want and Josh don`t get something. 



What is the capital of Great Britain?
England, Scotland and Wales form the island of Great Britain. The capital of these countries are:
England: London
Scotland: Edinburgh
Wales: Cardiff

What is the official language of Great Britain?
The official language of Great Britain is English. Irish, Ulster, Scots, Scottish, Gaelic Scots, Welsh and Cornish are other recognized regional languages.

What is the religion of Great Britain?
The largest religion in Great Britain is Christianity. The Anglican Church of England is the established church. 71.6% of the population follows Christianity; other religions are Islam(2.8%), Hinduism(1%), Sikhism(0.6%), Judaism(.05%) and Buddhism(0.3%). 15% of the population stated that they had no religious inclination while 7% stated no religious preference.


Vad är huvudstad i Storbritannien?
England, Skottland och Wales utgör ön Storbritannien. Huvudstaden i dessa länder är:
England: London
Skottland: Edinburgh
Wales: Cardiff

Vad är det officiella språket i Storbritannien?
Det officiella språket i Storbritannien är engelska. Irländska, Ulster, skottar, Skotskt, gaeliska Scots, walesiska och Cornish är andra erkända regionala språk.

Vad är religion Storbritannien?
Den största religionen i Storbritannien är kristendom. Den anglikanska kyrkan i England är den etablerade kyrkan. 71,6% av befolkningen följer kristendomen, andra religioner är islam (2,8%), hinduism (1%), sikhism (0,6%), judendom (.05%) och buddhism (0,3%). 15% av befolkningen uppgav att de inte hade någon religiös böjelse, medan 7% angav ingen religiös preferens.


  1. What happend on these dates ?  

12th April 1961

20th July 1969

2. What do the many with ”Reach for the Stars” ?

3.Who is Neil Armstrong? 

4.Who is Yuri Gagarin?

5.Who is NASA?

6.What did NASA hoped?

7.What was NASA idea?

8.Who is Christa?

9.How did Christa became famous?

10 What media made Christa famous?

11.How many children did Chirsta have?

12.What is Christa’s man called?  


I think it was good task and i learned much. It was good because it did that we search every very. I think it was good to present front a little group. I don`t think it was good idea  to work with group because they didn`t helped me. 

I relly dont know which task i want to work with.


1.Wives spent a month in the UK.
2.Many babies enjoy books.
3.Boy's teeth are loose.
4.Many women love mice.
5.kids pulling the dog's tail.
6.Boys' clothing is extra large.
7.The men took to court.
8.The food in the U.S. is very sweet.
9.The girls' mother must exercise more.
10.Students read many books.
11.He plays tennis every Saturday.
12.The father kisses his children and trying to get them to sleep.
13.The old ladies love french fries.
14.Our dog eats too much. He is overweight.
15.I showed him my movie.
16.In the last year, I visit more cities.

  1. Fruarna tillbringade en månad i Storbritannien.    
  2. Många bebisar tycker om böcker. 
  3. Pojkens tänder är lösa.    
  4. Många kvinnor älskar möss.    
  5. Barnen drar i hundens svans. 
  6. Pojkarnas kläder är extrastora. 
  7. Männen togs inför rätta.
  8. Maten i USA är mycket söt. 
  9. Flickornas mamma måste motionera mer. 
  10. Eleverna läser många böcker. 
  11. Han spelar tennis varje lördag. 
  12. Pappan pussar sina barn och försöker få dem att somna. 
  13. De gamla damerna älskar pommes frites. 
  14. Vår hund äter för mycket. Han är överviktig. 
  15. Jag visade honom min film.
  16. I fjor besökte jag flera städer. 

  1. Ägaren av huset inte är hemma.
  2. En tredjedel av alla människor konsumerar för mycket skräpmat.
  3. Han log mot mig och frågade mig om jag vill ha en större storlek.
  4. Jag skrattade och stoppade kunden vid dörren.
  5. Är det förvånande att Coca-Cola är ett stort företag.

1.The owner of the house is not at home. 
2.One third of all people consume too much junk food. 
3.He smiled at me and asked me if I wanted a bigger size. 
  1. laughed and stopped the customer at the door. 
  2. Is it surprising that Coca-Cola is  a big company?


  1. The size is getting bigger and bigger.
  2. Americans are becoming fatter and fatter.
  3. Junk food are the popular like burgers and pizzas.
  4. Many children in my age in American and in US become fatter in the last 20 years. 
  5. Clothing becomes less and less of them.
  6. It becomes more difficult to breathe. 
  7. Chicken McNuggets have far less fat than hamburgers.
  8. Its hard to go.
  9. You cant go more then 5 meters.
  10. McDonald become more famous.


American are getting fatter

Many kids are getting fatter fast, and its not good in their age. They watchTV and eat much candy and they don`t move. And many of them buy food from McDonald´s. It`s more than 46 million people in one day who eats at McDonals´s. 
-How do you think it will be in about 15 years ?
  • I think it will be worse because many people eat and eat and they don`t think about what they eat so they become fatter and fatter.
  • I dont think McDonals`s will change because they get much money for what people buy.

Red hat - The movie was disgusting and I was felling ill.
Yellow hat - The movie tells you exactly everything about your body when you only eat junk food .
Black hat - It was not fun to watch the movie because it was too long.
Green hat - 

Many kids like McDonald and if McDonald are closed they go to Max. Max is just like McDonalds and many people think that Max is better then McDonald becouse Max they dont keep food they buy all the time and McDonald they keep food more then 3 days or more. In Sweden they don`t eat much like America. In Amercia they eat much Junk food in the school. In Sweden they dont cook Junk food in school becouse they think about kids all the time. 

-How do you think it will be in about 15 years ? 
  • I dont know.